Baran Restaurant
1916 Westwood Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90025-4614,
United States
310-4754500Persian Cuisine is exotic yet simple similar to an Omar Khayyam's poem. It is healthy, yet colorful, like Persian miniature painting. Persian cooking is combination of rice with meat, chicken or fish and plenty of garlic, onion, vegetables, nuts, and herbs. To achieve a delicious taste and a balanced diet, unique Persian spices such as saffron, diced limes, cinnamon, and parsley are mixed delicately.
The Cuisine of Persia influenced cooking all over the world, from the beef dishes of India, to the sweet and sour that graced the tables of Medieval and Renaissance Monarchs. Modern Iranian food fits perfectly with today's lighter eating style. Iranian food has a lot of similarity with the other cuisine's of the Middle East, but it is more sophisticated and imaginative, as colorful and complex as a Persian carpet.
(Mrs. Nagmeh Najmabadi)
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